Tell me about yourself
- Pronounce name clearly.
- State age.
- State current education status or career status.
- Past experience.
- State long range goal.
Why should I hire you?
- Talk about your strengths as they apply to the job.
- Team Player.
- You have motivation.
- Attitude the job is positive.
- And leadership skills
What is the greatest strength?
- Flexibility
- teamwork
- adaptability
- surpassing expectations
- leadership
What is a weakness?
- delegation
- sharing responsibility
- having too much fun
- trying to do too much
- not following my own initiatives
Where do you expect to be in the next five years?
- hard to predict the future.
- Abilities will allow me to take on a more demanding role in your company.
- Being the best I can be.
- Completed my education.
- Being a success in your company.
What motivates you to do a good job?
- Determination.
- Personal satisfaction.
- Dislike of poor performance.
- respect of employers
- respect of fellow employees.
Do you work better alone or in a group?
- Group work combines individual ideas
- Group work allows for individual input
- teamwork always promotes the best for a company
- there is no "i" in team
- common goals can be reached through total group commitment.
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