Tuesday, June 1, 2010


1. 3 qualities interviewers look for: are you able to do the job? Willing to put effort into the job to make it a success and are you manageable?
2. In the first 15 seconds of an interview, the employer will judge you on your appearance and your handshake.
3. You should dress for a job appropriately, like if you were going to apply for a management position at a software company you would wear a suit, but a suit would be overkill if you were applying for a position at McDonald's.
4. When going for an interview you should "dress and groom like the employer is likely to be dressed and groomed, only neater." Management: Suits! Mid-level Professionals: Coordinated shirt and slacks or skirts(for women). Commercial personnel: More casual, pressed slacks or khakis, nice shirt or blouse. Avoid wearing athletic shoes!
5. The 3 step process for introducing yourself is: 1. Have clean and manicured nails and hands! 2. Make sure your hand is warm and not sweaty. 3. And lastly, shake hands with a firm(not bone-crushing) grip and a warm smile.
6. The Non-verbal communication skills are to promote your self-confidence. You shouldn't fidget, cross your arms or swing your feet around. Flat on the floor for men crossed for women. Do not slouch and use your hands with your conversation. Do not bit your lip, fake cough or touch your mouth a lot. And put on a honest warm smile. Make eye contact and nod slightly during the interview.
7. Try to get your interview not on a Monday or later on in the day. At these times the interviewer will not take as much interest as they might have at a different time. Also try not to be the first person to be interviewed. Going later means the interviewer will remember you.
8. You should research these topics before you go to the interview:
  • Company products and services
  • Markets and key customers
  • general business philosophy
  • sales trends, cost trends, profit trends
  • Plans for growth
  • key problems
  • principles
  • values
  • beliefs
  • predominate management style
  • mission

I thinks these are all valuable and useful points to know before going for an interview

9. Questions you should ask:

  • How would you describe the ideal person for this job?
  • What parts of this job would you most like to see improved from a performance standpoint?
  • What are some changes and improvements that must be brought to this position?
  • What problems would a successful candidate for this job will need to solve?

These questions can demonstrate to the interviewer that you have researched and you are very interested in the job. I think some of these questions are a bit over the heads of high school students to ask this as they apply for a job at a fast food joint.

10. The 3 step process to answering questions:

  1. Understand what is being asked. Figure out what the employer is looking for.
  2. Answer briefly and without causing damages. Don't back yourself into a corner with your answer. And don't ramble on.
  3. Answer the real question by presenting your related skills. Talk about how you would be good for the company.

11. Keep the interviewer interested by changing the topic on to a more interesting subject or ask them a question to keep the interview flowing.

12. Problem areas:

  1. Gaps in your work history
  2. Having been fired
  3. Too old
  4. Too young
  5. Overqualified

The only one that would really qualify to me would be "too young" I have not even done a job interview yet, I am planning to get a job in a couple weeks after all this school stuff is over! I think you just need to be respectful and show you are qualified for the job.

13. Reflecting questions:

  • In what skills,experiences or background did the interviewer seem most interested in?
  • What questions were the hardest to answer? Why?
  • Did you enough about the job and company?
  • What did the interviewer say about salary? How did you respond?
  • How did you feel about the interview overall?
  • what would you differently?
  • What should you study?

I think after a interview, whether it was successful or not, you should see what you did right and what you did wrong and prepare yourself better next time.

14. A thank you note shows you appreciate that the interviewer took time to listen to you. And it gives you an extra point, people will remember that "nice person who sent us the card" let's hire them! You should type a well written note.

I think a thank you note is a wonderful chance to suck up to your potential employers. I have written thank you notes before and I would probably do it again.

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