Sunday, June 13, 2010

Job Interview prep.

Preparation before your interview:

• Know the time, date and place of the interview.

• Dress appropriately for the job you are trying to get.

• Be well rested and not stress out for your interview.

• Know something about the job you are applying for.

• Anticipate the questions the interviewer might ask you and know the answers.

Body Language:

• Don't chew gum during the interview.

• Don’t fidget (swing legs, fiddle with pens etc…).

• Sit up straight and use your hands in your conversation.

• Make eye contact.

• Put on an honest warm smile.

Communication Skills:

• Introduce your self clearly.

• Listen to what the interviewer says.

• Don’t interrupt the interviewer.

• Speak clearly in a normal conversational tone.

• Respond in an appropriate manner.

Question for applicant to ask:

• How would you describe the ideal person for this job?

• What parts of this job would you most like to see improved from a performance standpoint?

• What are some changes and improvements that must be brought to this position?

• What problems would a successful candidate for this job will need to solve?

• Do you provide on the job training for possible advancement?

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