Thursday, April 15, 2010

Smoking ad #2

Ad #2 1) What is the main message of the ad?
The main message of this ad is "Smoking is believing!" The ad is telling the viewer that you can even smoke more with these cheaper better cigarettes.
2) What images appear in the ad that invokes a specific feeling from the viewer?
The women is pretty and she looks like a business women. She might relate to women of that time period. The viewer wants to get this product because it will make them look like the model and because they are cheaper.
3) What techniques are used in the ad to get the viewer to purchase theproduct?
This ad uses Friends, Fun and Excitement for their product. They make the cigarette sound really good in the description and they mention how "everyone can afford" their product. The model also seems pretty happy with her self for smoking these cigarettes.
4) What lifestyle or image is being sold?
I think this ad is directed towards the female audience and the ad is playing on models youth and her independence. The viewer thinks the model is in control of her life and she is saving money by smoking these cigarettes.
5) What would "happen" to you if you smoked, according to the advertisement?
If you started to smoke these cigarettes according to the ad you would be happier and weather.
6) What is the general ambiance of the advertisement? What mood does itcreate? How does it do this?
The general ambiance of this ad is happiness. The models happy the writing is in big cheerful letters with nice bright colours. It gives off the impression that if you smoke these cigarettes you will be happier... and save money at the same time!
7) If there are figures (men, women, children, animals) what are they like? Whatcan be said about their facial expressions, poses, hairstyle, age, sex, haircolor, ethnicity, education, occupation, relationships (of one to the other)?
The model in this ad is a young women. She looks like she works, is independent, smokes and loves it. Especially the smoking part and even more so when she smokes these cigarettes because they taste good and saves her money! She is young pretty and white. This looks like its set in the 50s or 60s so white dominance is still going on.
8) What theme or themes do we find in the advertisement? What is it about?(The plot of an advertisement may involve a man and a woman drinking butthe theme might be jealousy, faithlessness, ambition, passion, etc.)
I think this ad's theme is happiness and frugalness. The ad mentions summertime and goes on to describe how good their product tastes. The model has this big smile on her face that makes the viewer like her immediately. And the ad focuses on the fact that their product is cheaper than most saying "Everyone can afford" the product.
9) Is there a cool factor?
Yes, I think there is a cool factor. The model radiates happiness and makes the viewer want to be like her.
1o) What, if any, facts and figures are used to promote the fact that the productis "safe?"
This product does not use any facts of figures to promote the safeness of the product. It is more focused on the taste of the cigarettes and how it is least expensive to buy their cigarettes than someone's product.

Smoking ad #1

Ad #1
1) What is the main message of the ad?

If you are a guy and you smoke these cigarettes you will get hot girls to fall in love with you.

2) What images appear in the ad that invokes a specific feeling from the viewer?

That the guy is blowing smoke in the girls face and she looks very interested in the guy.

3) What techniques are used in the ad to get the viewer to purchase theproduct?

They are using the "Cool factor, " dreams and insecurities and ideal people in this ad.

4) What lifestyle or image is being sold?

The man gets attractive looking women by smoking these cigarettes and his lifestyle suggests that he is a 'playboy' and girls love him.

5) What would "happen" to you if you smoked, according to the advertisement?

This ad is mostly geared for the male audience and if you were smoking these cigarettes and blew in to a women's face she "follow you anywhere." They would make you feel cool, handsome and in control.

6) What is the general ambiance of the advertisement? What mood does itcreate? How does it do this?

The ambiance of this ad, I think is coolness. The advertisers are trying to make the viewer think you would look cool and handsome if you smoke their product. They do this by using ideal people; the man is handsome and mysterious and the woman is sexy and alluring.

7) If there are figures (men, women, children, animals) what are they like? Whatcan be said about their facial expressions, poses, hairstyle, age, sex, haircolor, ethnicity, education, occupation, relationships (of one to the other)?

Like I said in question 6, the man in this ad is good looking and mysterious and the woman is sexy and alluring. The way they are posed and looking at one another creates a romantic tension between the two. The man looks like a playboy and when he smokes these cigarettes and blows them in woman's faces he get the attractive looking girl. This advertisement is an older American ad and with racial stereotyping still very strong, the people in this are white wealthy Americans with great tans.

8) What theme or themes do we find in the advertisement? What is it about?(The plot of an advertisement may involve a man and a woman drinking butthe theme might be jealousy, faithlessness, ambition, passion, etc.)

The theme in this ad is definitely temptation,passion and control. The man is tempting the woman with his cigarettes and his dashing good looks. He is also tempting the viewer to by the product because it could make them look like him. The viewer can see the passion between the man and the female and want that for themselves. The man has control of the woman in this ad. She is utterly seduced by this man and his cigarette.

9) Is there a cool factor?

There is a cool factor. The man and women are ideal looking people and they make the viewer want to be like them and the way they can is by smoking the same cigarettes the models are.

10) What, if any, facts and figures are used to promote the fact that the productis "safe?"

This ad does not say anything about it's product being "safe." It is more focused on the being cool and attractive side to smoking.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Smoking ad#3

1) What is the main message of the ad?
The main message of this ad is if you smoke these cigarettes they will make you feel thinner.

2) What images appear in the ad that invokes a specific feeling from the viewer?
The word 'thin' is used a lot. And talking about physical appearance, this may make the viewer want to be like the model in the ad. That they need these cigarettes to achieve these things.

3) What techniques are used in the ad to get the viewer to purchase the

Positive Lifestyle is in this ad. The model is riding her bike outdoors. Ideal people, the model is thin and attractive. Facts and figures, the ad claims that the cigarette is healthier because it has less tar and methanol. Dreams and Insecurities, the model is thin and attractive in an ad all about "thin" cigarettes.

4) What lifestyle or image is being sold?

An active one one some part. The model is outdoors sitting on a bike not actually riding it. Also the major point in this ad is on the word 'thin.' The model's thin, the cigarettes are thin. The add mentions size and physical appearance 10 times in this ad. Talking about her "men trim" and her figure being "slim" and 'long and lean.'

5) What would "happen" to you if you smoked, according to the advertisement?

If you smoked this product you might end up as the model, thin and attractive. You will be healthier by smoking these cigarettes than others.

6) What is the general ambiance of the advertisement? What mood does it
create? How does it do this?
The mood of this ad is confidence. She is confident with herself. She is so confident with her she she can sit on a bike and look alluringly into the camera.

7) If there are figures (men, women, children, animals) what are they like? What
can be said about their facial expressions, poses, hairstyle, age, sex, hair
color, ethnicity, education, occupation, relationships (of one to the other)?
The model it thin and attractive. She is sitting on a bike to show her fun and active lifestyle with these 'thin' cigarettes. She looks confident with herself and happy.

8) What theme or themes do we find in the advertisement? What is it about?
(The plot of an advertisement may involve a man and a woman drinking but
the theme might be jealousy, faithlessness, ambition, passion, etc.)
The theme in this ad is all about appearance. Thin and attractive appearance. The model is happy that she is thin and she no has a thin cigarette to match.

9) Is there a cool factor?
Yes there is a cool factor. The women is attractive and she says this little speech about her ideal life while smoking these cigarettes.

10) What, if any, facts and figures are used to promote the fact that the product
is "safe?"
The ad talks about it's product being safer than others because there is less tar and menthol.

11) Please provide a minimum 10 sentence reflection of this assignment that
shares your thoughts of smoking in society today and what you have
When I was looking for ads for this project I found that it is very difficult to find modern ads for cigarettes, they are all anti-smoking! Do not get me wrong that's great that the government is cracking down on these tobacco companies and their advertisements. It was just frustrating to find any! I ended up finding old ads for smoking. I learned a lot from this project and realised how deceiving ads can be. The ad can play on the viewers emotions and insecurities. I need to be more careful on how I listen to ads now. Smoking in my opinion is a gross and filthy addiction. I feel sorry for those who are caught up in the trap and do not want to quit. I am glad they are enforcing more laws now that discourage smoking and make the air cleaner for all of us.