Tuesday, February 23, 2010



Bullying is a tool used by some people to make themselves feel better by putting others down. Either by physical torment, hateful text messages, or verbal abuse. Some people bully because they have low self esteem and hurting others and watching them suffer make the bully feel better about their self. Others like to control people, make you do what they want or else.They like the power they get from lording it over others. Sometimes people who were bullied in the past become bullies themselves because it is like they are taking revenge and getting back at those people who hurt them.
Bully can be very harmful because it can give you scars mentally that can stay with you your whole life. Many who have been bullied in past have hidden their pain till adulthood and need therapy. Being bullied can lead you down a road of depression, suicidal thoughts, drug and alcohol abuse and even suicide! Boys who are bullies mostly physically bully someone; punching,kicking spitting.. etc. Girls can do that too, but are more inclined to verbally assault someone, write their victim a nasty text message or facebook status or gossip and start rumors about the victim behind their back. You can stop bulling by telling an adult like your parents or a teacher about the problem, once an adult comes into the situation it usually blow over and save the victim from a lot of pain.
A person who bullies people can either bully them though physical, verbally or though computers, phones, Internet etc.. Some signs that you may be bullying someone are; you may say mean things about the person behind their back, you physically hurt them, or you go out of your way to hurt someone. People bully because sometime they have an abundance of pent up rage inside of them and the only way they know how to release it is through hurting others. Others bully because it makes them feel better about themselves, putting others down make their self esteem go up!
If you are being bullied you should tell a responsible adult right away, before you get hurt. You should also stand up for yourself and to the bully, though is may be intimidating. You may think you would be a tattletale if you tell on them. If you are being bullied you might feel angry, sad, lonely, depressed even suicidal! At school you should feel safe, have friends and be happy, nobody should make you feel anything other than that.
If you see some one being bullied you should immediately stand up for the victim, do not be the hero, but maybe go find a teacher or another adult that can settle the matter all together. When you see someone being bullied you might feel too scared to intervene and help, you could feel helpless to stop what is happening. You can help the bully by telling someone about what the bully is doing. If the bully learns how to be nice to people now the less people they will hurt in the long run.
Sarah Robertshaw

Thank you Mr C for the extra time! I really appreciate it! Have a nice night :)