Saturday, January 9, 2010

Stress Assignment

The "Stress" Assignment
20 Marks

1. According the information on this site what is the definition of stress?

According to this website "stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events." Stress can foucus the body as well as give it strength, alertness and stamina when we are face with tough problems and situations.

2. Please explain what stressors are.

Stressors are things, places and events etc...that create stress.

3. What is the stress response to stressors? Explain.

The stress response to stressors is to activate the nervous system and hormones.The stress response is supose to enhance the body to perform well under stress.

4. What is the difference between good stress and bad stText Colorress? Explain.

Good stress can proviede the extra pressure for you to do well while bad stress can make you actually make you sick usually for no reason.

5. Please write out the 8 symptoms of stress overloads.

Eight symptoms of stress overloads are anxiety, feeling you are being pressured and becoming irritible, getting sick, allergic reactions, sleeping problems, doing illegal substances, and depression.

6. Briefly explain how you can keep stress under control. Then provide me
with 7 examples from the site.

To get stress under control you should get a good night sleep, be realistic, don't overschedual, relax, exercise, eat well, think positive, and calmly take on the problem.

7. How can you build your resilience to stress? Please list all 7.

  1. Think of change as a challenging and normal part of life.
  2. See setbacks and problems as temporary and solvable.
  3. Believe that you will succeed if you keep working toward your goals.
  4. Take action to solve problems that crop up.
  5. Build strong relationships and keep commitments to family and friends.
  6. Have a support system and ask for help.
  7. Participate regularly in activities for relaxation and fun.

8. Please visit the following site and
copy down 10 of the 15 tips for teenagers to take control of potential
stressful situations at home.

  1. When parents are unreasonable, don't try to reason with them. Smile and agree. It makes them think and feel embarrassed - maybe even guilty. Never walk away when they are talking. That makes them crazy.
  2. When parents are reasonable - that is, when they give all kinds of reasons for a rule or decision - listen to them until they finish. Stay calm and then take each reason one at a time and tell them why you disagree. They won't know how to deal with this because they expect you to interrupt, get angry, or be disrespectful. Of course, you have to have some pretty good reasons of your own, or you're the unreasonable one.
  3. If your parent denies your request or won't allow you more freedom, don't ask, "Why?" This will only get you another reason that supports the "no." Rather than "Why?" it is better to ask, "What can I do to get the privilege, request, or freedom?" The "What can I do?" question will give you some idea of what you have to do to get a "yes."
  4. When parents get angry, it isn't the time to get angry back. A lot of times they're not upset with you, but with their boss, the neighbor, or the price of groceries. You just happen to be there at the wrong time. Look hurt. Slump in your chair and look at them with pitiful eyes. If this doesn't work, get out of the way when they're in a bad mood. They need some time and space. Go outside, to a friend's house, or to your room. Eventually they will settle down and miss you.
  5. Parents are unfair at times and this may make you angry. Don't discuss your complaints when either of you is angry or upset. Calm down and wait until they're in a good mood. Discuss your feelings later that day or in a few days.
  6. When discussing your complaints, opinions, or requests, do not act sassy and flippant. Do not raise your voice; instead, discuss the matter in a normal tone. If you holler or appear flippant, they will hear only this. If you stay calm and talk, they may hear what you say.
  7. Do not create situations where there is a winner and a loser. You're the child and will probably lose most of the time. How many times have you grounded your mother or taken away the phone privileges from your dad? Try to compromise and work out a situation where both of you win.
  8. If you have trouble talking to your parents, or if they get angry every time you try to discuss something, write a note. Put it on their pillow. Parents are pushovers for notes like this and will probably keep them forever.
  9. Take your mom or dad out alone occasionally. Tell them you want just the two of you to go on a walk or out to eat. They'll be worried at first, because they'll think you're going to tell them something terrible. Don't - just tell them you like having them all to yourself once in a while. They will probably cry or hug you. Put up with it.
  10. Spend some time in the same room with your parents while they are watching TV or reading. Sit down and talk to them about school, your friends, or something else that interests you. At first they may think you're on some type of drug because of the change in your behavior. They'll get over this feeling and will love the "new you."

9. Please go to the following site and read the article on "Helping Teenagers
with Stress"
ction=Facts+for+Families and take note of the section on the behaviors and
techniques for decreasing stress. Please write out 6 of the 11 listed on the
  1. Eating right and exercise
  2. Don't drink coffee (caffeine)
  3. Avoid illegal drugs and alcohol
  4. Do relaxing exercises
  5. State feelings in an assetive manner
  6. Don't talk down to yoourself

10. Durring this assignment I learned that there is actually good and bad stress. Good stress is very useful for school assignments and sport activities while bad stress can be very damaging. Avoiding stress is as easy as having a good night sleep and eating healthy! Stress can cause people to become moody and irritible even sick. If you are faced with a stressful situation at home with your parents it smart not to yell back or walk away that can make your parents even more angry! I plan to use this information as exams come next week. I have to make sure I go to made before the wee hours in the morning!