Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Nutrition Poster

Whoops! I totally forgot about the blog post! Hope everybody is having a wonderful Christmas break.

For my poster on my choice of my 'perfect' food, I choose eggs. I found out the eggs are filled with vitamins and nutrients that are essential to get and keep a heathly body. Eggs are perfect for a quick and easy breakfast because eggs are filled with protein which can give you lasting energy throughout the day. Eggs are also one of the only foods that you can get your daily intake of vitamin D. For only 70 calories, eggs are a great choice for someone who is watching their weight. In a recent study, they found out that if people eat eggs for breakfast instead of bagels or yogurt, they actually lost weight and gained more energy. If you eat eggs you do have more energy for the rest of the day and your brain works better. One thing that I found out from the project was that there is no nutritional difference between brown eggs or white eggs. There is also many delicious resipes that you can make with eggs. I thought this project was a little bit interesting I found out that I knew a lot about eggs that I didn't think I knew.

Sarah Robertshaw