Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Nutrition Poster

Whoops! I totally forgot about the blog post! Hope everybody is having a wonderful Christmas break.

For my poster on my choice of my 'perfect' food, I choose eggs. I found out the eggs are filled with vitamins and nutrients that are essential to get and keep a heathly body. Eggs are perfect for a quick and easy breakfast because eggs are filled with protein which can give you lasting energy throughout the day. Eggs are also one of the only foods that you can get your daily intake of vitamin D. For only 70 calories, eggs are a great choice for someone who is watching their weight. In a recent study, they found out that if people eat eggs for breakfast instead of bagels or yogurt, they actually lost weight and gained more energy. If you eat eggs you do have more energy for the rest of the day and your brain works better. One thing that I found out from the project was that there is no nutritional difference between brown eggs or white eggs. There is also many delicious resipes that you can make with eggs. I thought this project was a little bit interesting I found out that I knew a lot about eggs that I didn't think I knew.

Sarah Robertshaw

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Courses (Planning Assignment 2)

Courses Credits
Grade 10:
  • English 10 4 Credits
  • Concert Band 10 Level 2 4 Credits
  • PE 10 4 Credits
  • Principles of Math 10 4 Credits
  • Science 10 4 Credits
  • Art 10 Gerneral 4 Credits
  • German 10 4 Credits
  • Biology 11 4 Credits
  • Musical Theatre 9/10 4 Credits
  • Socials 10 (through SCIDES) 4 Credits
  • Planning 1o 4 Credits

Grade 11: (All Courses have 4 credits)

  • Priciples of Math 11
  • Chemistry 11
  • Phyisics 11
  • Concert Band 11/12
  • German 11
  • English 11
  • Socials Studies 11
  • Visual Arts 10: Cermamics and Scultpture

Grade 12:

  • Principles of Math 12
  • Biology 12 Honours
  • Chemistry 12
  • English 12 Honours
  • German 12
  • Law 12
  • Comparative Civilizations 12
  • Concert Band 11/12
  • Graduation Transitions - Another 4 credits!

Total Courses: 27 Total Credits: 112

Elective Credits: 36

Core Credits: 72

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Grad Planner Assignment

Section 1: What you need to graduate.
1) What is the name of the diploma that you receive when you graduate from secondary school?
The Dogwood Diploma.
2) How many credits do you need from Required Courses?
48 credits.
3) How many credits do you need from Elective Courses?
28 credits.
4) How many credits is the Graduation Transitions worth?
4 credits.
5) How many credits in total do you need to graduate?
80 credits.
6) Why is it important to choose courses carefully?
It's important to choose courses carefully because many courses are required to graduate and if you have not taken some you won't let be allowed to recieve your diploma.
7) What are language arts courses mainly about?
Language art courses are about communication.

8) Why are these courses important? You learn how to succeed in school and life by reading and writing. You also learn important communication skills.
9) What is the minimum number of Math courses you need to graduate?

2 courses of math.

10) List the three types of math courses you can take from Grades 10-12.
Essentials of Math, Applications of Math and Principles of Math.

11) What is the minimum number of Social Studies courses you need to graduate?
2 socials studies course.

12) During which grade do Science courses become more specialized?
Grade 11.

13) As of today, is Physical Education 11/12 a mandatory course? What other requirement

physical requirement is needed?
No. Engage in 150 min. physical activity a week.

14) What does Graduation Transitions encourage you to do?

  • take ownership of your health and learning.

  • examine and demostrate connections between your learning and your future.

  • create a plan for your growth in becoming a skilled and participating citizen.

  • exhibit attributes of a model BC grad.

15) What are the 3 required areas of Graduation Transitions? Briefly explain.
Personal Health: engaging in 150 min. physical activity.

Community Connections: work safely with others in order to succeed.

Section 2: Getting credits towards graduation.
16) If I take a Drivers’ Education course, can I get graduation credit for it?
Yes some of them.

17) Can you complete a course that is more “self-directed?” Explain.
Yes. Its called IDS. You need approval from the school and a teacher to supervise you.

18) What is a “dual credit?”
Credits that go to your Graduation and Post- Secondary Education.

19) Name one of the Career Programs that you can take at SAS.

Section 3: Putting it all together.
20) What is a focus area?
Courses you want to want to concentrate on.

21) Look closely at each focus area. Do they look familiar? Explain.
They are courses at our school?

22) Is it possible for me to make up any missed courses?
Section 4: Exams, awards and scholarships.
23) How many provincial exams (minimum) must you write?
24) List the exams that you must write.
Grade 10 Language Arts, Grade 10 Science, Grade 10 Math, Grade 11 or 12 Socials, and Grade 12 Language Arts.
25) In Grade 10 and 11 courses, how much is the provincial exam worth?
26) In Grade 12 courses, how much is the provincial exam worth?
27) Do you have to write the provincial exam for each Grade 12 course with an optional graduation program exam? Explain.
No. If you don't write an exam 100% of your mark is from classroom work. If you do write the exam 40% of your grade is from the exam and 60% is from classroom work.
28) Why is it worthwhile to write provincial exams even if they are optional?
Some universities require a mark from your Grade 12 exams to go to their school and you can qualify for scholarships if you take the exams.
29) List 4 ways that you can help ease the financial burden of post-secondary.

  1. Passport to Education
  2. Grade 12 Grad Program Examination Scholarships
  3. Dogwood District/ Authority Awards
  4. Secondary School Apprenticeship Scholarships